Music elevates our spirit and gives us freedom in times of uncertainty. We want Filarmed to thrive and to continue our work for many years. Today, our commitment as Medellín's only professional orchestra, is to keep giving music and beauty to the world, as we have done for the past 37 years.
You can help us give music to our community, by supporting Filarmed from home.
Let us keep fulfilling our primary purpose: To transform our society with music. With your donation, you will give joy to over 70,000 people through our free concerts. You will give inspiration to 15,000 children through our at-school concerts. You will give calm and solace through our live performances, and our virtual concerts in times of quarantine.
If you're in Colombia
If you live in Colombia, you're entitled to receive a donation certificate for tax purposes for the amount of your donation minus platform fees.
If you want to avoid paying the online donation fee, you can make a bank transfer to:
- Yam: Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra Corporation
- Nit. 890.985.250-0
- Bancolombia savings account No. 52761169301
- Don't forget to send the confirmation to
Donate using the following QR code from your Bancolombia App.
International Donations
Donations though our GiveLively platform are tax-deductible for US residents.