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Reconciliation route

Ruta de la reconciliación Filarmed + Coro Reconciliación En tu barrio, música latinoamericana para cantarle a la paz y la esperanza. ¡Prográmate! Jueves 18 de julio. 5:00 p. m. Museo Casa de la Memoria Calle 51 n°. 36-66, Parque Bicentenario Sábado 20 de julio. 5:00 p. m. Teatro Caribe Cra 50 n°. 52-77, Villa Paula, […]

Open call for 3 available places

The Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra Corporation (Filarmed) opens the call and invites all interested parties to participate in selection processes for 2024, second semester The Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra is a professional orchestra with 40 years of experience, of a private nature, which is dedicated to transforming the city with music. In addition to carrying out […]

Benefit Ministry of Culture

Connect with Filarmed – Populations with special constitutional protection! This invitation is thanks to the alliance with the Ministry of Cultures, Sounds for the construction of Peace, National Music Plan for coexistence and National Association of Symphonic Music – Collaboration Agreement 002 of 2024. Population with special institutional protection: “Minors of age, women […]

Supernumerary Bank Call, Violin 2024

MEDELLÍN PHILARMONIC ORCHESTRA CORPORATION CALL FOR APPLICATIONS BANCO DE SUPERNUMERARIOS VIOLÍN 2024 As part of the commitment to national talent, and with a firm conviction of being a close, welcoming orchestra that vibrates with the musical ecosystem of our country, also understanding the current challenges and needs of our young musicians, Filarmed offers itself as […]

New call for 3 places available in 2024

MEDELLÍN FILARMONIC ORCHESTRA CORPORATION Open call for 3 available places in 2024 The Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra Corporation (Filarmed) opens the call and invites all interested parties to participate in selection processes for 2024. The Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra is a professional orchestra with 40 years of experience, of a private nature, which […]

New in the program of the Opening Concert Season 2024

News in the program of the 2024 Season Opening Concert “Conexiones” of the Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra The Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra informs that for health reasons the soloist Philippe Quint who would perform Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto will not be able to accompany the Season opening concert 2024 “Connections”, which will take place on Saturday, February 17 at six in the afternoon […]