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New in the program of the Opening Concert Season 2024

News in the program of the 2024 Season Opening Concert “Conexiones” of the Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra The Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra informs that for health reasons the soloist Philippe Quint who would perform Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto will not be able to accompany the Season opening concert 2024 “Connections”, which will take place on Saturday, February 17 at six in the afternoon […]

Percussion assistant call

 MEDELLÍN FILARMONIC ORCHESTRA CORPORATION Open call for percussion row assistant The Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra Corporation (Filarmed) opens the call and invites all interested parties to participate in selection processes for 2024. The Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra is a professional orchestra with 40 years of experience, of a private nature, which […]

Explanatory notice of call

Taking into account requests from foreign citizens in relation to the call published on November 24, the section: Material that must be provided is modified as follows: Material that must be provided: A video must be sent for the pre-selection round. It must be a link to the video hosted on YouTube with the repertoire […]

Open call for 7 available places in 2024

MEDELLÍN FILARMONIC ORCHESTRA CORPORATION Open call for 7 available places in 2024 The Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra Corporation (Filarmed) opens the call and invites all interested parties to participate in selection processes for 2024. The Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra is a professional orchestra with 40 years of experience, of a private nature, which […]

Music is felt and played

Music is felt and played Filarmed does workshops for people with hearing disabilities “We are an orchestra that is designed to reach all populations, particularly those that have not traditionally had access to cultural rights” María Catalina Prieto, executive director The Orchestra Medellín Philharmonic will give workshops aimed at people with hearing disabilities. […]

2023 Programming

40 years to thank Medellín and the Aburrá Valley for welcoming us with trust and love. Thank you for helping us transform with music. Music transcends and takes us further, as an act of self-love that connects us with the spirit. The Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra invites the entire city and country to enjoy the 2023 Season concerts to celebrate 40 […]