Wolfang Javier, reggaeton lover

Versatile reggaeton player with experience in acting (in the shower) and dancing (family parties). Dominator of the different aspects of reggaeton: alternative, classic, neoclassical, romantic, perreo, neoperreo and hardcore reggaeton. Multipurpose and with great capacity to adapt to the environment or the complete environment. Creative and innovative. Improvisation skills (in progress)

Dance Expertise

Entertainment at children's parties from 2009-currently

“Head Master Dancer” in Bosquechispazos.

Replacement of the main dancer in resorts in Santa Fe de Antioquia, in cases of incapacity of the owner (several periods).

MIX experience

He began his career at the pump in the San Benito neighborhood, pumping current and extra fuel, because he loves gasoline.

Five years as a trapper, dedicated to trap, at Aseos SAS

Temporary jobs as a pet walker and hot dog vendor, perrea, mommy, perrea.

Composition, management of AutoTune programs on IOS and Android (basic level Linux)

Academic training:

The singing angels

Degree: Bachelor of Music



Native Spanish

Pueltoliqueño Spanish

Bad Bunny (advanced)

Philarmaniac, the confusion 
December 1, 2 and 3 at the Pablo Tobón Uribe Theater