Concert I Music tells stories I R. Strauss and B. Smetana

He Saturday, April 24, we present “Music tells stories”, a concert with works by Richard Strauss and Bedřich Smetana, two great exponents of the Romantic period. An invitation to discover that musical compositions tell great stories.

“Music tells stories” is presented in partnership with Comfama, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Mayor's Office of Medellín, and the sponsorship of Sura, Bancolombia and EPM.

The music of romanticism has its story 

Smetana was born in the Czech Republic in 1824 and Strauss in Munich in 1864. Both belonged to the Romantic period, characterised by an imaginative and novelistic musical style, and were completely attracted to the genre of “symphonic poem”, a literary poetic character, whose purpose is to arouse emotions or tell stories through music. It is generally written for orchestra, although it can be for piano or chamber ensembles.




Apr 24 2021


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm