Reconciliation Choir Concert

We want to hold a concert to commemorate Peace Month, paying tribute to Luz Mery González, a chorister who passed away in August and who was an example of commitment, dedication and love for choral singing.

We seek to make visible the contribution that singing, and especially choral singing, offers to the processes of healing, enjoyment, reconciliation and social construction from different approaches. We will have the participation of the Youth Vocal Group, the Reconciliation Choir and the Macondo Vocal Ensemble.

We will go through different musical genres and different ways of approaching them, we will share choral experiences recognizing and talking about the advantage that singing brings to our lives from different points of view and we will end with a collective song interpreting "Where is love" as a tribute to Luz Mery González.

Our Lady of Suffrage Parish

Free entrance


Sep 30 2023


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm