Peace, music and silence

We join the International Day of Peace, the date of ceasefire and non-violence worldwide, a call from universal music for us to unite more as a country.

Because music is peace and also silence, it invites us to reflect and to reconcile with ourselves and with others. It is a universal language where there are no borders; any human being of any condition, race, political movement, whenever they listen to it, will be able to unite from the heart and from love.

To listen:
Overture to “The Creatures of Prometheus” Op.43
L. van Beethoven

Symphony No. 82 in C Major, “The Bear”
F.J. Haydn
Symphony No. 2 in D major, Op. 36
L. van Beethoven
Director: Adrian Chamorro


Sep 22 2022


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm