Concert dedicated to Mozart
He Saturday, March 27 We are broadcasting our 2019 Season concert “Music and Reconciliation” conducted by Israeli conductor David Greilsammer.
A concert dedicated to Mozart
Mozart: one of the faces of classicism; one of the “geniuses” of music history (whatever that means); one of the great symphonists; one of the first composers to distance himself from the figure of the servant musician and, in his rebellion, build a life as an independent musician; a prominent opera composer… shall I continue? Well, Mozart is the protagonist of today’s concert, in which we will take a small – I would say minuscule – look at three corners of the work of the composer of The Magic Flute.
The concert includes the works: Piano Concerto No. 17, Symphony No. 41 and Overture The Rapture in the Seraglio, all creations of the brilliant composer from Salzburg.