“Tú Rockcito Filarmónico”, an album to sing, play and learn from the symphonic world

A child who lulls the moon to sleep in his crib and when he wakes up, he makes the jungle, the earth and his mother tremble, with his antics at bedtime, is the story he tells. From the cradle to the jungle; a lullaby, now conceived in an exciting symphonic atmosphere, which becomes the appropriate setting to calm crying and call sleep.

This story turned into music, like 10 other songs for children make up “Tú Rockcito Filarmónico”, in a unique bet, which brings together the power of music and games in a beautiful and entertaining production. The members of Filarmed, the incredible arrangements of Jesús David Caro, the direction of Juan Pablo Valencia, and the playing and singing experience of Tú Rockcito, make this album an unforgettable adventure for adults and children.

“Tú Rockcito Filarmónico”, a unique album in the recording history of the Colombian children's world, has the support of Comfama and is part of the alliance with the Family Compensation Fund in which the purpose is to recognize the legacy of symphonic music as a universal language, strengthen musical learning in Antioquia, value composers and artists who make part of this scene and promote curiosity for a musical aesthetic that all families can appropriate as part of their social and cultural dynamics.

The album will be available on digital platforms from Friday, April 30.

“Audio and video production is dedicated to all the children of the world, those who with patience and resilience have adapted to the new circumstances that life offers and have given special value to art, songs, concerts made with love . It is also dedicated to musicians, who, with their legacy, perseverance and creative force, continue to invent multiple ways to feed humanity and nourish souls. Nothing like a song to cheer the soul; nothing like the Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra to enliven the senses”. Paula Ríos, vocalist and director of Tú Rockcito

Celebrating 38 years, the highest note of Filarmed

Night of celebration to recognize and thank musicians, audiences, allies and sponsors, who have participated in the growth of the orchestra.

On Saturday, April 17 at 7:00 pm on social networks, the Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra -Filarmed- will celebrate its 38 years with the Anniversary Concert, in which several chamber groups of the orchestra will celebrate by performing music from various places in the world. world. In this virtual broadcast we want to involve the entire audience in feeling the emotion of chamber music.

The Anniversary Concert is presented in alliance with Comfama, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Mayor's Office of Medellín, and the sponsorship of Bancolombia and EPM.

“The dream began when I founded an orchestra in the garage of my house. April 16, 1983 is the date that marked the beginning of a path that, despite being marked by difficulties, now fills me with pride and satisfaction. Currently, Filarmed, thanks to its model of social, educational and artistic transformation, places Medellín as one of the most important cultural cities in all of Latin America.” Alberto Correa, founder and director emeritus of the orchestra.

celebrate memory

For Maestro Correa there have been 38 years of deep emotions and joys at Filarmed, of which four moments stand out that have marked his artistic history. First, in 1985 the execution of the Triumphs of Orff that for the first time in the world, in the same night, the staging of the three love cantatas of Carl Orff; It was made for seven and an eighth days for National Television. Second, in the year of 1995 Queen became symphonic, with arrangements and direction by maestro Louis Clark, and then The Beatles became symphonic. Third, in 2013 the appointment of Francisco Rettig as chief conductor, which gave consolidation, height and artistic strengthening to the orchestra for having performed most of the symphonies of Mahler, Bruckner and Strauss, works that few orchestras worldwide perform due to their technical complexity. Fourth, in 2019 Filarmed's first international tour with participation in the Festival dei 2 Mondi in Spoleto, Italy

The role that Filarmed plays is to transform the cultural life of the country through recitals and concerts, and the dissemination of new works by young composers and a wide catalog that includes not only the universal classical repertoire but also popular, religious and contemporary music. It also promotes national talent, with the residency of outstanding Colombian composers and directors.” Jorge Pinzón, resident composer.

An orchestra proud of its artistic quality

In its 38 years the Orchestra has spread universal music in concerts in the most different settings. Conductors of the stature of Krzystof Penderecki and Andrés Orozco-Estrada, and soloists such as Lang Lang, Santiago Cañón, Liviu Prunaru, concertmaster of the Royal Concertgebouw of Holland and Stefan Dohr, first horn of the Berlin Philharmonic have been on stage with Filarmed. “In the country we are proud of their very high performance, recognition and laudable cultural work.” says teacher Pinzón.

Music unites us in the distance

Filarmed is a walking house with open doors, it is a large family, it is dialogue and sound, It is an invitation to listen, to come together, it is commitment, discipline and sensitivity, it is a place to meet and find ourselves.” Natalia Valencia, composer

The pandemic forced us to adapt formats, to prepare new repertoires to strengthen chamber groups. It led us to develop new skills, such as recording ourselves independently, broadcasting our concerts on social networks, making a presence and getting closer to the public by putting music in conversation with other topics. After an unclear start, we managed to develop programming that connected with the public.

Furthermore, 2020 taught us that today, more than ever, we are not an orchestra from Medellín but from the world, Because the opening of digital channels has allowed us to expand and make our music visible without borders. In addition, he reaffirmed the value of music to heal and encourage the spirit of the public.

Filarmed is an agent of social transformation

We bring music to the people, and we allow people to access it in multiple ways. First, we carry out a model of musical formation focused on artistic practice and the development of values. In this program they come into contact with the orchestra close to 10.000 children from several municipalities per year, and 750 They constantly participate in programs musical initiation and in orchestral practice, in San Jerónimo, La Ceja, Apartadó, Turbo, Carepa and Chigorodó. Second, We are working on strengthening a couple of programs in which we make it clear that music can transform lives, one with a neurodiverse population, called I'm a musician, and the Reconciliation Choir in which victims and participants of the conflict add their voices and give us an example of peacebuilding.

Filarmed as a cultural entity that promotes great artistic diversity leaves an indelible mark on new generations, ratifying the message of continuing to forge new paths, new artistic ideals, as well as the formation of audiences, and broad coverage at all cultural levels. In the same way, it encourages us to preserve the spirit and values that as a nation it is our responsibility to magnify with dignity.

The Orchestra for the city is one of its great cultural values. Filarmed is leaving a very important legacy that serves as a testimony for future generations and its challenge is to continue its path for the benefit of the city, the region and the country.” Eduardo Carrizosa, Colombian director

Chamber music to celebrate 

Melodies that express emotion and gratitude will frame the celebration of the 38 years by Filarmed.

We will enjoy European music String Quartet No. 1 “Of my life” (Allegro vivo appassionato) by Bedřich Smetana and St. Paul's Suite Op. 29 (Giga: Vivace) by Gustav Holst; from North America A Western Fanfare by Eric Ewazen and Pastoral for wind quintet by Amy Beach; and from Latin America Metamorphosis from VC4, Toto by Reinaldo Tobón and Arabesque (harp version) by Luis A. Calvo.

Chamber music is demanding and allows instrumentalists to work on technical and artistic elements that are not used in orchestral composition.. In chamber music each sound is much deeper and is heard completely, it is almost a crystalline experience. Each performer plays a soloist role, because they have the challenge of expressing themselves more individually.” Jaime Martínez, oboe principal


Rock with purpose: to rock and be generous

“It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, I feel good and nothing is going to stop me now.” 
Freddie Mercury


  • The 1+1 Foundation and the Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra join forces to perform the virtual concert “Rock with purpose”, a tribute to immortal rock bands and works.
  • It will be free, broadcast through social networks for all lovers of the genre. The audience will be able to make their donations live for the training and social programs of both entities. 

Saturday April 10 7:00 p.m. Yo Channels: Facebook and Youtube Live I Filarmed and 1+1 Foundation 

Music and solidarity, two elements that have united Fundación 1+1 and Filarmed since 2014, They return this year with a virtual version of these tributes, selecting some of the most important songs of these years. 

Tribute to great rock bands 

Rock has always invited us to question ourselves as a society and the process we do with the tribute is to return a memory of emotional and wonderful sensations to all its followers, enriching these pieces with arrangements for symphonic format. Music, and in particular this genre, has accompanied those who shake their heads with songs like Another brick on the Wall (Pink Floyd) or Sweet child O'mine (Guns N' Roses) and those who feel an emotional release when listening Love Of My Life (What in) or Imagine (John Lennon).

In short, societies cannot be built without art and rock has always been there.

We will enjoy works by Queen with Bohemian Rhapsody, Don't stop me now and We are the champions; of The Beatles with Hey Jude, Let it be and Love of my life and by Jhon Lennon with the iconic soft rock ballad Imagine. We will also listen to Metallica with The unforgiven, to Pink Floyd with Another brick on the Wall and Guns N' Roses with Sweet child O'mine.

The Orchestra will be accompanied by Julio César Sierra on the piano and the guitarists Pedro Mejía and Fernando “Toby” Tobón, producer and composer who was part of Ekhymosis and who has worked alongside Juanes and Sebastián Yatra.

A very rocking driver

The announcer, DJ and director of Radioacktiva Juan Kiss, will be the one who takes us on this journey through the stories and emotions produced by these iconic bands that transformed culture and society. 

“It can be said that Medellín was once called the capital of metal and rock and roll. My passion for this genre and radio began in the mid-seventies, when I saw a t-shirt with the cover of Love Gun from Kiss, that was love at first sight, and when I first heard Kiss Alive!"It was love at first hearing."

A concert with purpose

The 1 +1 Foundation and Filarmed are non-profit entities that share the love of music and the desire to create opportunities for more people. The invitation to those who connect and to the general public is to support the work they do.

  • With your support the 1+1 Foundation will strengthen the training process of 450 people with visual disabilities in our country, which are carried out through programs such as:  music to see, which aims to learn music from initiation to professionalization; From the Garden of Possibles, digital literacy and development of soft skills for the 21st century and English to fly, for learning the English language in this specific population. 
  • Filarmed  advances social programs for vulnerable populations such as Reconciliation Choir that brings together the voices of victims and ex-combatants of the armed conflict in Colombia and I'm a musician,  space for artistic achievement for the neurodiverse population from musical work, which promotes inclusion. It also develops musical training, initiation and orchestral practice programs in seven municipalities of Antioquia, and nearly 200 activities open to the public each year. 

The resources received will allow both institutions to explore new paths that enrich the soul and emotions of human beings, and continue their work during these times when solidarity is most necessary.


Concierto de gratitud

The Concert of Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 4 from the “Encounters” Season of the Metropolitan Theater and Filarmed has been rescheduled

For reasons of force majeure, the Metropolitan Theater and the Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra, we reschedule the concert that was announced for tomorrow Saturday, March 27 at 7:00 pm throught social media.

The second concert of the “Encuentros” Season will be dedicated to the Symphony No. 4 by Gustav Mahler and the orchestra will be under the direction of maestro Alejandro Roca, with soprano Eliana Piedrahita as soloist.

In the coming days we will announce the new date of this concert, and once public health conditions allow, we hope to meet with you in person at the Metropolitano to enjoy this season.

Instead, this Saturday, also at 7:00 pm, We will broadcast the Philharmonic Orchestra concert dedicated to Mozart with the piano soloist and conductor David Greilsammer (Israel), that took place on Saturday, July 27, 2019 at the Metropolitan Theater. Known for his eclectic and engaging programs, Greilsammer is one of today's most audacious classical musicians. The New York Times has distinguished two of his albums as Recording of the Year. The concert includes the works: Piano Concerto No. 17, Symphony No. 41 and Overture The Rapture in the Seraglio, all creations of the brilliant composer from Salzburg.

The concert will be broadcast through the YouTube channels of Filarmed and the Metropolitan Theater and on the Facebook page of both institutions. 

We invite you to take care of ourselves, take preventive measures and join us all in a responsible manner to take care of our health and to be able to return soon to the activities of the cultural sector.

Cantos por la paz

Laments of victims that become songs for peace

To understand the transformations that music generates in communities, it is essential to know what role music plays as a social practice. From a sociological perspective, Hormigos Ruiz (2012) presents us with a definition of the sociology of music based on classical theories.

Music gives verbalization an additional emotional and bodily component, which promotes social relationships. Hormigos Ruiz, paraphrasing the sociologist Georg Simmel, states that: 3

“Singing, dancing and instrumental music arise naturally from the most universal and most vehement feelings: from a state of joy or sadness, which can lead us to think that we are all pre-existential musicians, since there is a relationship between talking and walking and singing and dancing. It's just about hearing the rhythm and melody of our emotional states."

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