Didactic concert I COSMO
Cosmo: What the stars cooked up
Children's concert
More than 13 billion years ago, the early universe was truly disillusioned. Despite the speed of its expansion, since the Big Bang itself, nothing different was happening in the vastness of the universe. Particles colliding in all directions, huge explosions and tremendous chaos were still the daily routine of the great cosmos. Something was needed, something new, something never experienced before. Nebulae, constellations, stars, meteorites and comets gathered at the largest universal convention recorded to date.
"I want to inform you of an urgent situation!" __. Exclaimed an immense nebula.
__«The great cosmos has expressed that it is overwhelmed with our chaos. It wants us to organize ourselves to create something fun.» –
Everyone present was amazed. They were all trying so hard to make the cosmos dynamic. They thought that their chaotic, colorful, chemical and violent relationships were enough for the universe.
Everyone started coming up with ideas: traveling meteorites suggested a new Big Bang, but the idea didn't go down well; a long-tailed comet proposed a higher-speed excursion to new corners of the universe, but that idea didn't turn out to be innovative either. A dusty galaxy suggested merging with another galaxy to create colorful fireworks, but that was already an old idea. A small, reddish-bright star suggested:
«Let's make a child!»
Yes? A child? All together
We invite you to this concert in the cosmos.
Director: Gonzalo Ospina
Narrator: Paula Rios (Your Rockcito)